Sunday, October 18, 2009

I am a very routine-oriented person...

I'm very happy to finally have a steady job with a regular schedule so I can get the right amount of sleep and still balance errands, the dogs, my music company, and working out. I work 6 days a week from noon to 5, leaving me plenty of morning time to myself, early evening time for exercise (Jeff doesn't leave work until 6), and late evening time for the family. Although I like working at Pottery Barn kids, the erratic schedule - opening one morning and closing the next night - messes with my workout schedule. And truth be told, my workouts are the most important part of my health and sanity, so keeping them on track takes priority. My plan is to wake up between 7 and 8 most days, enjoy the morning with a leisurely shower, breakfast, coffee, and some news TV. This also gives me time to run some quick errands if need be. Then I'll leave for work at 11, work from noon to five, and either head straight to the gym from 5:45 to 7 or go home and run outside with the dogs. Leaving work at 5 also allows me time to make it to the Fleet Feet Women's Fun Run on Mon and Weds at 6:30. Then dinner, TV or out with Jeff, read, and bed. Sounds pretty awesome :).

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